time ago Frank Stano, my grandfather did a brave thing. He decided to leave his native soil for a better life in America.
Before he could do so he was required by Polish Law that he had to sell or give away his holdings. So he divided
the family's wealth and lands to his brothers and boarded a ship bound for America.
Like many other Polish Immigrants my grandfather eventually migrated to Chicago, Illinois.
On February 21, 1914 he married Maryanna Micot at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago, Illinois.
St. John Cantius Church in Chicago, Illinois recorded in their,
"Registrum Matrimoniorum in Ecclesia Sancti Yoannis Cantii, Dioecesis: Chicagoe", the following information:
matrimonio conjunxi: Franciszek Stano;
e loco: Lisia Gora, Gal.; Filium Andrzeja i Anny Kocot;
baptizatum in Lisia Gora, Gal.; Dyec. Tarnow, Gal.;
die: 9, mensis: III, Anni: 1887 in hac parochia,
cuju de statu libero satis constabat
et: Maryanna Micot; e loco: Przybyszowka, Gal.; Filiam:Filipa i Katarzyny Fruk
baptizatam in: Przybyszowka, Gal. Dyec. Przemysl, Gal.;
die 22, mensis VIII; Anni 1898 in hac parochia,
cujus de statu satis constabat
presentibus testibus: Yan Kobylanski et Yan Kurek; Hujus Matrimonii Notitiam Misi ad Rectores ecclesiarum
in quibus praedicti Sponsi baptizati sunt. rev. Fr. Pieczymski
My grandmother also immigrated from Poland but on her sister's passport. Now Frank had a brother Piotr (Peter), who
came to America aboard the Breslau through Ellis Island in NY in 1912, he also came to Chicago but due to a disagreement they
never saw each other again.
Frank Stano & Maryanna Micol lived at 4843 Oakley Ave in Chicago, Illinois until they
finally settled into their new home on McVicker Avenue also in Chicago. They had three children. Matthew
John (known as Joe in Chicago) my father, John and Helen. Matthew married Helen (Helena) Irene Stojak
and had two children Patricia Marie and Robert Matthew. John married Irene Barud and had two children Marilyn Sue and
Diane. Helen married Stanly Wilieko and also had two children Carolyn and Nancy.
Frank Stano worked at Rose Hill Cemetary on Western Avenue in Chicago, Illinois as a caretaker.
He retired from Rosehill cemetary reluctantly.
Matthew Stano's family eventually moved to Maine. While John & Irene Stano & their family remained in Chicago,
Illinois; Helen & Stanley Wilieko & their family also remained in Chicago, Illinois
The Chicago Stano Family |

From Left to Right: Matthew, Frank (Father), Mary (Mother), John & Helen |
Stano - no variations found as of yet.
The surname of Kocot, as found on Frank Stano's marriage registry belongs to his mother Anny (Kocot) Stano and very little
is known of this new found family.
The surname of MICOT, as registered on a marriage certificate - also has been seen on other documents as; Micon,or Michol.
This could be an error in recording.
The surname of Fruk, also found on the marriage registry belongs to Maryanne Micot and is her mother Katarzyny (Fruk) Micot.
This name is also being researched to locate those relatives.
The surname of Stojak, is tied to the Stano family through the Marriage Of Matthew Stano & Helen (Stojak) Stano.
The surname of Piotrowska (Piotrowski), is the maiden name of Marie (Piotrowska) Stojak, wife to Felik Stojak.
The surname of Olejarnik is tied to the Stano family through the maiden name of Marie Stojak daughter to John Piotrowski
The surname Zych, is tied to the Stano family name through the Stojak family name. Rose Stojak who later married Edward Zych
and lived in Wisconsin was the sister to Felik Stojak.