HI my name is Anthony Stano.or Tony I live in Leechburg PA .and I am 48 years old .
I have been working on our family tree for some time now . I know my grandfather Paul Stano came to America in 1906
from Horne Pruba Slovakia His father was Stephan Stano-Brdar Paul had 3 brothers that I know of John and
Ondre that I am pretty sure they stayed in Slovakia and Valent who came here in 1910 . Paul and Valent
settled here in Leechburg, the question I have for you is the name Stano-Brdar in your research did you come across any
Stano-brdar or Stano-homa or Stano-pucek I was told they came from a small town and we are all related somehow.
Thanks for any help Tony
Hi Robert, I live in Western Australia (www.tamborah.com) , and am trying to trace my father's relatives in Poland. His name is Jan Kornaus and was born in Lisia Gora Feb 16th,
1914. He was a P.O.W. in Germany during the 2nd world war and married my mother Susanna Haunz in Mainz Germany in 1945 and
migrated to Australia in 1950. He had intermittent contact with a brother (my uncle) who was I believe involved in the fire
brigade, but from what I could ascertain contact was dropped due to the communist regime. I would like to be able to
contact any relatives from there if at all possible and any help would be appreciated
..... kindest regards Hans-Richard Kornaus (Rick)
My name is Madalena Stano, my father is Henrique Stano - my grandfather is Josep Stano -Italian.
My family live in São Paulo-SP and Poços de Caldas -MG.
hello, my name is john kordic,
i am a member of the stano family from cleveland ohio.
however...my stano family comes from trencin, slovakia
From Daniel Stano: daniel.stano@wanadoo.fr
our family came in france at the beginning of 2nd world war. they came from a little village near BRATISLAVA : LUKA NAD
VAHOM, okres TRENCIN I am interested about other stano from this area daniel, in France
From Antonio Stano: antonio@stano.it
Stano family also located in Naples italy We also have a book on stano family origins if someone want an email @stano.it
just contact me...
From Amanda: poetess87@hotmail.com
I just thought I'd let you know of some more Stano's I know. I'm about to marry one in about two years. Mother's name:
Dawn Altman. Married Rick Stano. Three Children: Shawn Stano, 18; Jeff Stano, 17; Heidi Stano, 16. Just thought I'd let you
know. Never knew if they were part Polish or not. I know they're only part Italian,  . Just thought maybe you could research that. We're in the great state of PA. -Amanda
From: Bob Stano: bobstano@wowway.com
My name is Robert A Stano and I live in Dearborn MI.
I am the son of Valentine J Stano.
I have an older sister Marilyn and a brother William.
My dads parents were right from the old country I don't know their names but
I can find out.
My dad cam from a family of 7.
All of his sibs have died except his older sister Martha Adair (Stano).
Let me know what other info you would like.
Robert A Stano